Pemanfaatan Minuman Serbuk Effervecent Ekstrak Daun Seledri (Apium Graveolens L) sebagai Antihipertensi
One of the dangerous diseases that often occurs is hypertension. Hypertension occurs due to a lack of public understanding, which can cause complications to death due to consuming synthetic drugs in the long term. Another alternative in treating hypertension is the use of traditional medicine. The purpose of this counseling is to provide information to the public about antihypertensive drugs made from natural ingredients that exist in the surrounding environment. The extension method consists of several stages, namely compiling, preparing and implementing extension activities. This community outreach activity was carried out directly on Jln. Terusan Buah Batu, Gg Empang Rt 03/Rw 01 by providing information in the form of delivering material through PowerPoint about hypertension, innovation of effervescent powder drinks and how to make effervescent powder drinks based on celery leaf extract through video playback. The results of this counseling were found that the participants liked the innovative effervescent powder drink product made from celery leaves that we provided.
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