Skrining Kecacingan pada Masyarakat di RT 04 RW 06 Desa Sukarasa, Bandung
Deworming or intestinal worms are still a serious problem in Indonesia. Worms are often regarded as a trivial disease by most people. The development of this disease is influenced by many factors, starting from the tropical climate, poor body hygiene, poor environmental sanitation, dense and humid settlements. In addition, unclean air, eating with dirty nails, and contaminated objects can help the spread of worms or larvae. The lack of public understanding of the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle related to helminthiasis and also understanding and public awareness of the importance of taking deworming drugs to prevent worms is an important factor in the transmission of helminthiasis. This Community Service activity was carried out for residents of RT 04 RW 06 Sukarasa Village, Bandung. The examination sample used was from residents' nails soaked in 10% KOH solution. Examination results of 23 samples of residents' nails found no worm eggs at all. This indicates that the community's understanding of worms in RT 04 RW 06 Sukarasa Village is quite good.
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