Kesehatan Rajawali2024-11-30T04:29:13+00:00Farhan Baehakifarhanbaehaki71@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Kesehatan Rajawali merupakan jurnal ilmu-ilmu kesehatan yang memuat naskah hasil penelitian bidang ilmu keperawatan, kebidanan dan analis kesehatan. Diterbitkan 6 bulan sekali pada bulan Maret dan September</p> Literatur: Analisis Penyebab Pending Claim Berkas BPJS Kesehatan Pelayanan Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit2024-09-30T07:41:24+00:00Yofen<p>Health service providers include all Health Facilities that collaborate with BPJS Health in the form of First Level Health Facilities and Advanced Level Referral Health Facilities. This is the hospital's focus so that there are no obstacles in BPJS Health claims that could affect the hospital's operational cash became disturbed. The search for sources was based on the literature review method based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis). The two main data bases used in the search were Google Scholar and Pubmed. With the last search on February 17 2024. Inclusion criteria These are; (1) the article uses Indonesian or English; (2) this article was published in the last 2 years, namely 2022 to 2023; (3) quantitative and qualitative research; (4) the article is available in full manuscript form. From the search The keywords used are; "Pending Claim" AND "BPJS" OR "Health Insurance" OR "Claim Return". There were 5 articles reviewed systematically. Where 3 articles are quantitative research with 2 descriptive articles and 1 cross-sectional method, while the other 2 articles are qualitative with observation and interview methods. There were results that stated that the files were incomplete, the casemix team's knowledge in coding resulted in incorrect diagnosis coding, and the incomplete support carried out resulted in pending BPJS Health claims. All factors from input and process greatly influence the output. To reduce even greater losses and burden on hospitals, solutions need to be implemented immediately for each of these components which are still experiencing problems.</p>2024-09-29T14:29:55+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Lean Thinking Pada Strategi Perbaikan Alur Pelayanan Farmasi Rawat Jalan (Studi Kasus di RS Primaya Depok)2024-09-30T08:13:25+00:00Sarah Cinthya Margarethasarahcinthyam@gmail.comPoppy Yaniawatisarahcinthyam@gmail.comMira<p><em>A professional hospital service flow is required so that it can be carried out well and by the wishes of health service users by prioritizing patient safety and service quality. One of the service lines in hospitals is outpatient pharmacy services. Primaya Hospital Depok has outpatient pharmacy services with visits that continue to increase every year and many complaints regarding outpatient services which become obstacles to the flow of outpatient care. This research uses qualitative methods in the form of interviews and observations using the concept of lean thinking. The results show findings in the form of waste Defects, overproduction, waiting, transportation, inventory, Motion and excess processing. The longest process and the most waste Waitingis found, namely Waitingfor the entire outpatient pharmacy service process. Suggestions for short-term improvements are given in the form of providing direction and warnings to officers so that they do not have to repeat work, making instructional banners as well as service flow and implementing 5S. The long-term improvement proposal provided is in the form of improving the flow of outpatient services by taking into account the reduction of waste found</em>.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyebab Kepatuhan Penandaan Lokasi Operasi dan Penjadwalan Operasi Elektif Terhadap Ketepatan Operasi (Studi Kasus di Instalasi Kamar Bedah RS KSH Tayu Pati Jawa Tengah)2024-09-30T08:10:54+00:00Rudy Budijonorudybedahunhas2015@gmail.comPoppy Yaniawatirudybedahunhas2015@gmail.comYani Restiani<p><em>One of the hospital's duties is to provide services in accordance with patient safety. These include marking operation locations and scheduling elective operations. KSH Tayu Pati Hospital experienced a decline in achieving indicators for marking operation locations and scheduling elective operations. This can have an impact on the accuracy of carrying out operations. Therefore, this research will look at the effect of compliance with marking operation locations and scheduling elective operations at KSH Tayu Pati Hospital. This research uses a mix method with the help of SPSS calculations and in-depth interviews. This research used a sample of 33 respondents consisting of all doctors and IBS officers at KSH Tayu Pati Hospital. The result is that compliance with marking the operation location has an influence (sig. 0.001 < 0.05) on the accuracy of the operation. And compliance with elective surgery scheduling has an influence (sig. 0.001 < 0.05) on the accuracy of the operation. However, there are many aspects that must be improved at KSH Tayu Pati East Java Hospital, including continuing to refresh the knowledge and attitudes of doctors and staff at IBS at KSH Tayu Pati East Java Hospital.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyelenggaraan Makanan Berbasis Kepuasan Pasien (Studi Kualitatif di Rumah Sakit Islam Sunan Kudus)2024-09-30T14:12:13+00:00Franciska Rahardjofranciskarahardjo@gmail.comErliany Syaodihfranciskarahardjo@gmail.comNining<p>The provision of meals at RSI Sunan Kudus experienced problems such as staff not understanding the SOP for serving food due to double jobs, patient complaints regarding meals during treatment such as menus and so on. Food management is very important and influences the patient's recovery, so there needs to be an in-depth analysis to find out problems and solutions in managing patient meals. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive observational research design. The research method used is an in-depth interview method with an open research case study type. As a result, it turns out that personnel and infrastructure are important issues in the management of food management at RSI Sunan Kudus. However, the entire process of organizing meals at RSI Sunan Kudus has been carried out well and in accordance with PGRS recommendations. Patient satisfaction in terms of managing patient meals is also said to be sufficient. So, it is necessary to carry out another staff evaluation at RSI Sunan Kudus, especially for the Nutrition Installation so that problems with double-job staff do not become an obstacle in organizing patient meals at RSI Sunan Kudus.</p>2024-09-30T14:12:06+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Antibiotik Pada Pasien Pneumonia Covid-19: Studi Kuantitatif Pada Rumah Sakit Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga2024-11-30T04:29:13+00:00Akhmad Haris Susenosusenoharis15@gmail.comAnjar Mahardian Fungie Galistianigithafungiegalistiani@gmail.comGangga<p><em>Covid-19 is a problem for the world and Indonesia. Pneumonia is one of the most common comorbid diseases of Covid-19. The management of Covid-19 pneumonia is using empirical antibiotics. Inappropriate use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance so it is very necessary to evaluate the use of antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine the quantity of antibiotic use in patients with Covid-19 pneumonia at Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga Hospital. This study used a cross sectional research design using retrospective data with observational research. The method of evaluating antibiotic use uses the ATC/DDD methods. Based on the evaluation using the ATC/DDD method, The DDD/100 patient-days value of antibiotic use was intravenous Azithromicin (52,860 DDD/100 patient-days), Ceftriaxone (42,412 DDD/100 patient-days), peroral Azithromicin (8,582 DDD/100 patient-days), Levofloxacin (6,529 DDD/100 patient-days), Cefixime (2,985 DDD/100 patient-days), Ciprofloxacin (1,243 DDD/100 patient-days), Cefotaxime (2,798 DDD/100 patient-days) and Metronidazole (1,119 DDD/100 patient-days). There are 2 types of antibiotics that meet WHO standards and 6 types of antibiotics that do not meet WHO standards.</em></p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##